Thursday 12 August 2010

32) Writing Words Down

I havn't been to the soup run or the day centre for about 2 weeks now. Life has got in the way and I have made a conscious effort to begin writing my dissertation to keep up with the theory side of the project.

This evening I went to talk to the security officers at the front desk in my student flat, about my own issues of not having any accommodation before the end of this degree.

We got onto talking about my project and they informed me of a few updates regarding events I have recently posted about.

At the end of post (31) I talked of a group of homeless people gathering outside my building, Billy said he was tired from not sleeping and the group was concerned with something, it was obvious something had happened. Well, it turns out that night there was a murder around the corner. I assume they know of people involved.

I was also informed the rapist who has been offending recently in Manchester, who was known at the day centre, has been caught.

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